Monday, April 26, 2010

Why Super Street Fighter 4 is worth your 40 bucks

No there wont be as many versions as Street Fighter 2

        Being a huge Street Fighter fan, Street Fighter 4 was an absolute blast to play,and after such a long wait between 3 and 4 (ironically I never got into 3) it seemed like they picked the right time to bring the franchise back. Though using 3D graphics obviously, they successful kept the old school look with probably the best cell shaded type graphics I've ever seen.
       So, as great as it was, why would you buy the game again is the question. Normally I'd be totally against this, but Super Street Fighter 4 is more than just a repackaging.
           I know what you're thinking. Capcom has done this before. They just did it with Resident Evil 5 without putting that much new stuff into the package. How many versions of Street Fighter 2? How many different platforms have Street Fighter games appeared on? Its all true. Capcom certainly knows how to cash in on their franchises. But damn it, Super Street Fighter 4 looks great, and not just because my favorite character from the Alpha series (Adon is back).
          I'll tell you the truth. Despite how much I enjoyed SF4, I ended up trading in my copy. The online just wasn't that great, you could only play single player so many times (god damn that last boss could be annoying) and didn't play with my friends much. Super Street Fighter 4 however, spruces up the online a good deal so that there's plenty of options other than just the standard one on one matches. Of course, such a thing could be done as downloadable content. What's really nice here beyond the base fact that there are 10 characters added to the experience is the fact that all the old characters are rebalanced as well. So I say its worth the 40 dollars. Maybe not so much if you didn't get rid of your copy of the first one when it still had some value, but hey, just tell yourself 40$ is how much all of these additions would cost as dlc anyway

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